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Your Top 10 movies

Started by Njordin, 20-Apr-15, 09:10 AM

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So many videos being shared here, members with huge collections and yet not a single post about our favorite videos ?
Inspired from a similar thread in another forum, I'm really curious to see what is everyone's favorite mixed movies. I know that for most of you, to make a top 10 is very difficult. My list consists of 10 of my 15-20 favorite movies, in RANDOM order. To make a definite top 10 list is impossible. Competitive, unscripted action and a regular, non pro next door girl with a possitive attitude (i.e dominant and/or competitive and/or playful) are the elements that make a video great, for me. Here's my list. I'm curious to see yours.

Luna vs Patrick, DWW

Lucille vs Patrick, DWW

Arianna vs some guy (GG165A), Gr4pplinggirls

Sally Squeeze vs some guy (GG311C) Gr4pplinggirls

Jenilee vs some guy (GG305B) Gr4pplinggirls

Kelly vs some guy (GG69), Gr4pplinggirls

Claire vs Rene, F!ghting D0lls

Claire vs Marian (FD0314), F!ghting D0lls

Evie Diaz vs Luke, Flamingo wrestling

Irina vs Laurent, Amazonprod

(those are not attachments. however, butthere is a problem with the number, tell me)
Dead link ? Message me.

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